Our Story

Both Alex and Grace Tackman are small town people with a love of family, good food, and friends.
Alex was the youngest of two children that grew up in the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico on the Tackman family’s ranch, Deep Creek Ranch. The brand for the ranch’s cattle was where we got the triple Ts. The original Tackman family brand was three very basic t’s in an arch that stood for the three Tackman brothers (Arthur, Larry and Alan). To convert the brand to be our own Texas brand we kept the three capital Ts in an arch but chose a different font. We interpret them to represent our own three children (Austin, Eilina and Colter).

Graciela (Grace) Espino Tackman, grew up in the small town of Sunray which is where TTT Meats, LLC is located. Sunray in comparison to the frontier lands that Alex grew up in was a metropolis. After all, Sunray had and continues to have an Allsup’s and a Dairy Queen. No stoplights, mind you, but a place to go get a burrito after a community teen-dance, none-the-less.
Grace’s family was a farming family, but her father had been raised with cattle at a very young age before he immigrated to the United States under the bracero program. Juan Espino, Grace’s dad, has always had an affinity for animals and liked raising them to feed his family. Home-grown beef is hard to beat. In addition, to raising pigs, cattle, chickens and sometimes goats, he has always loved to hunt deer which is how all the Espino children learned how to make jerky at an early age. In the future, we hope to release JE Jerky after Grace’s dad’s brand which stands for his name. However, we think you will find it stands for Just Excellent.
Anyone who knows the couple and their families know they are people of integrity and hard work as well as believe in supporting their neighbors by doing the right things even though it may not always be the easiest thing to do. In this instance, for example, they’re opening up TTT Meats, LLC to help meet a community need for shorter timeframes for great meat and help alleviate the food deserts that are often created by large retailers. We are looking forward to partnering with a local family to open a restaurant which will enable us to offer some basic groceries via the food truck deliveries coming to the restaurant. We hope the community will help ensure the restaurant’s success, so we can continue to provide the much-needed groceries, and our community elders don’t have to drive far for their food.